The word Talonstar written in yelow-orange text with a thin black bolder.

Talonstar is a bulky, fluffy brown tabby tom with a tattered left ear and piercing blue eyes. He has a mane like a lion and claws as sharp as an eagle's talons.

A bust shot of Talonstar, a brown tabby tom with a serious expression. His left eye is blue, with a diamoned shaped highlight in the pupil, and his right eye is missing, with a scar running down it. He has a rip in his left ear and scars over a white patch on his chest that is shaped like a heart.
  • Name: Talonstar
  • Previous names: Talonwatch, Talonpaw, Aerie
  • Age (in moons): 75 moons
  • Clan: HatchetClan
  • Rank: Leader
  • Remaining lives: 8/10 lives left
  • Gender: Transmasc tomcat
  • Pronouns: he/him
  • Breed: Maine Coon


At first, Talonstar can come off as strict, firm and quite intimidating, especially to some of the newer warriors. Though his serious demenour isn't misleading by any means, his clanmates have learned to respect their no-nonsense leader for his strong morals and insistence on believing in the power of love and the the feline heart. Additionally, he has a tendancy to be very altruistic at times, often willing to sacrifice one of his many lives if it means guarranteeing the safety of his clan, much to the amusmenet of Cross, who sees this as him just "playing the hero".


In the Kin of the Stars

Talonstar was a former rogue under the name of Aerie, raised not in HatchetClan, but in the outskirts of both HatchetClan and CreekClan territory by a mysterious rogue group known as Kin of the Stars. This group, the Kin of the Stars, raised Aerie and the other kits to worship the terrifying eldritch forces whom they referred to as the Lords in Black. For moons, Aerie's nights were filled with scary stories about the ancient gods, and their terrifying, catlike forms that struck fear into even the bravest warriors. Throughout his life, he'd gotten tiny glimpses of the much darker underbelly that the rogue group did everything they could to keep hidden, piling up in the back of his mind until one day he couldn't ignore them anymore. So, at the ripe age of eight moons, he fled the rogue group, escaping the lies and the horrors they preached, even if it meant leaving behind their Kin.

For a while, Aerie wandered the Witchwood as a loner, catching prey wherever he could and accepting handouts from twolegs when he got desperate enough. He didn't know where he was going, what his life outside of the Kin would bring, or if he would ever be able to find a new home. The one thing he did know was he couldn't go back to the Kin of the Stars.

He just wished he didn't have to do it alone.

Finding a new home

It was leaf-fall when he first came across another friendly, feline face. He had been wandering through a part of the woods unfamilliar to him, fiery leaves crunching underneath his paws, when he spied a tortoiseshell molly inspecting a clump of berries, a bundle of herbs tucked away in her fur. Aerie snuck through the bush towards her, curiousity getting the better of him, but the crunch of leaves under his paws ruined any attempts at stealth he tried to make. To his surprise, the stranger didn't seem too upset about being snuck up on. In fact, she didn't seem upset at all. With a kind smile, she offered Aerie a piece of fresh-kill- a crow she'd caught an hour ago -and asked him who he was.

Only a few moons ago, Aerie would've brushed off her question, refused the offer of fresh-kill, and dissapeared back into the woods, but something about her demenour put him at ease. After a moment of hesitation, Aerie gave her the cliffnotes version of his tale up until his point, telling her about his life inside the Kin, him realizing what they really were, and his eventual escape from their clutches in an attempt to start a new life somewhere else. The she-cat listened to his tale with a sympathetic smile, and a patience Aerie really appreciated. Still, he couldn't help but notice the way her brow furrowed at the mention of the Kin, as if she was... familliar with them. Though part of Aerie itched with curiousity, a million questions forming in his mind, his thought were cut off by another question the tortoiseshell cat posed: "Where are you going now?"

For a while, Aerie remained silent, pondering the question he had asked himself a million times before. He had thought of loads of answers, such as continuing to live as a loner, starting a rogue group of his own... hell, he'd even considered being a kittypet! But, none of his answers had ever felt quite right. They didn't feel like the life he wanted to live. Eventually, Aerie admitted he didn't have an answer for that.

That was when the kind stranger told him about HatchetClan, and the warriors who lived the honourable life Aerie dreamed of all these moons.

A New Beginning

Text TBA.

Present Day

Text TBA.



Cross and Talonstar have a... strained relationship, to say the least. Though they used to be very close, to the point where Cross'star had made Talonwatch his deputy, ever since Cross'star disappeared into the Black and White, Talonstar has grown to distrust him. In Talonstar's eyes, if Cross denounced everything he and Talonstar used to believe in, he may as well have denounced anything they'd felt for each-other as well.

Character TBA

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Character TBA

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Id porta nibh venenatis cras sed felis eget velit aliquet. Duis ultricies lacus sed turpis tincidunt id aliquet. Nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices vitae auctor eu augue. Sit amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet. Ultricies tristique nulla aliquet enim tortor at auctor.